Good news for everyone that has been following one of my talks about the „Acceptance-Tolerance-Model„:
I have created the first downloadable resource from the model, so you can use it with your team. It shows the full model for a team of four. But you can easily extend it with a second or even third chart, if our team or group is bigger.

The downloadable ACTOMO Team Board (PDF) comes along with all levels of the model itself. In addition it contains the definitions I use in my talk, that describe how behaviour or attitude is perceived at each level, and how people feel, when faced with that very behaviour or attitude, again for each level.
I published this stuff right before my next talk at the Conference Agile Spain 2019 in Barcelona at November 22nd, so that all participants then can directly download stuff and start using the model right away.
Therefore I decided to publish the board in English to make it available to more people in the beginning. I plan to publish not only a german version soon, but also additional stuff, both in English and German then.
So stay tuned and try the ACTOMO Team Board (PDF).